Become a Member
RPCVs of Wisconsin-Madison
RPCVs of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Become a Member

Join the RPCVs of Wisconsin - Madison!

To become an official member of RPCVs of WI-Madison, it's best to signup online using the "Join Us!" button. If you prefer paper-based, complete the membership application and renewal available for download and send it along with a check to the address on the form. As of September 2017, we have refined the membership options.

All members receive:

  • Support: Your dues help us run an all-volunteer organization
  • Community: join our social and professional network of RPCVs
  • Leadership: join our Board or Leadership team to make sure we stay relevant
  • Activities: participate in hiking and dining groups, fundraising work (Freeze for Food, International Calendar)
  • Purchase: International Calendar, ‘we all’ Posters, and other products at reduced rates
  • Access: our WorldRoots monthly/periodic newsletter
  • Vote: on any issue at any meeting, including how International Calendar proceeds are distributed
  • Sponsor: projects for funding through our Gift Away grant program
  • Participate: drawings at certain meetings and events to personally allocate hundreds of dollars annually to Peace Corps Partnership Project(s) (PCPP) of your choice
  • Reduced admission: selected RPCVs of WI-sponsored events


  • Individual rates – $20/year/person
  • Complimentary Membership for current Peace Corps Volunteers: Free during service
  • Complimentary Membership for RPCVs completing service within the year or joining for the 1st time: Free for 1 year
  • Renewals – Renewals are on a rolling one-year basis, beginning with the date you signed up. All renewals, no matter when begun, should pay the annual renewal fee (that is, there is no penalty for missing 2 or more years of membership).

**Special Note: Becoming a member will ensure you get on the listserv, our best method of communicating activities on a regular basis. See our Listserv Information page for more details. However, you do not have to be a member to be on the listserv, so feel free to request access.

To join or renew membership with our organization, go online at NPCA to signup or fill out and mail an application.


W​e're​ an affiliate group of the​​ National Peace Corps Association (NPCA). ​When you become a member of our group, you are also required to join NPCA. It is quick, easy, and free! NPCA connects the groups, and provides us a way to affect national issues. You can find more information and join the NPCA at or write to 1825 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite #800, Washington D.C. 20009-5708, USA.

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