What We Do
The Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Wisconsin – Madison group was formed in 1981 in response to Peace Corps suggestion to all campus recruiters that they start up local groups of RPCVs, in celebration of their 20th anniversary. Four members gathered at the Avenue Bar with the recruiter in February 1981 (fondly remembered, rightly or not, as Valentine’s Day). A Constitution and Bylaws were drawn up, and we were officially incorporated on October 18, 1982.
Members found camaraderie in their shared experiences. Further, Peace Corps founders had given volunteers a mission: to return to their communities and use their experiences to create understanding among people. This is known as the Third Goal. As part of early community outreach, the group established a speakers’ bureau and created and taught lessons on Latin American and African culture in Madison schools.
Freeze For Food
At the same time, members sought ways to help their Peace Corps communities, and the group has been creative in fundraising. In 1982, the first Freeze for Food walk/run in January was started. Since then, this event has raised over $163,000 for non-profits, partnering with different international and local development organizations, including Oxfam, Colombia Support Network and Open Doors for Refugees.
In the mid-80s the group made original quilts to raffle. Members who served in Brazil brought a Brazilian medical doctor they knew to the U.S. to study chiropractic. The group held themed events at the Cardinal Bar. An Ecuadorian farmer came to stay with members while he studied at the University.
The International Calendar
The International Calendar
Funds are donated to Peace Corps Volunteer projects, local groups doing international awareness work, and to group-building for other returned volunteers.
‘we all’ Poster Project
‘we all’ Poster Project
They are used as multicultural teaching aids in K-12 settings, libraries, and EFL/ESL classrooms worldwide, with sales of over $35,000. All proceeds go to multicultural (Third Goal) projects around the country. The posters are no longer being produced, and there is no inventory, but there is some amount of funds left for teachers to apply to promote multicultural awareness in pre-K-12 schools.
Social Engagement
Social Engagement
Part of the local community, we participate in neighborhood festivals, at Overture Center events, the Fair Trade Festival and at UW-Madison events such as the World Music and Children’s Festivals.
Members volunteer with organizations throughout Dane County and south-central Wisconsin.
Get Involved
Get Involved
What can you do to get involved in the success of the RPCVs of Madison? Are you an RPCV? Are you a friend or family member of an RPCV? Are you thinking about Peace Corps in your life? Then, plenty of things!
Find out about us
- Follow us on ourlistserv, on one of our Facebook pages, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn. It's all free!
- Engage in Third Goal activities by speaking at schools or community organizations, with resources from the Peace Corps Third Goal office.
- Join us at a meeting or social Event.
- Support our work by purchasing products that go to education and development projects worldwide.
Take the next step
- Become a Member.
- Once a Member, you can login to our Member Directory and reach out to others in the group.
Step up your involvement
- Join the Leadership Team and organize outreach activities, regularly or occasionally.
- Join the Calendar Committee and help produce and market this amazing fundraiser for the Peace Corps community.
- Join the Poster Committee and help generate creative ideas on promoting the product and funding multicultural activities around the country.
- Join the Freeze for Food Committee and help organize, or volunteer at, the annual 5K/10K Run/Walk.
- Advocate for Peace Corps, in Washington D.C. or in Madison, with resources from the NPCA.
Not sure? Have an Idea?
Contact our President to learn more about what is needed and where to best fit your skills and interests.